Hello everyone,
I can't believe I'm in the email shop already. This week has flown by. I had a really good week. This week I finished the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time. It is STILL true. I have a testimony of this church and nobody can change that. Moroni 10:30 really stood out to me this time. It shows that each time you read the book something new will come out. That is how the word of God works. We really should come unto Christ and get the good gifts. The gifts of the gospel and adopt talents that our Heavenly Father has given us. On Tuesday we go and visit this family that has had a major change. When we first went there they were apostate and they will testify. We challenge them to teach us the lessons and they did it and studied together every night and it was awesome. On Friday we had exchanges and I got to go to the other area and relax a little ha. On Saturday there was a funeral for some less active members relative. The way they do funerals here is totally different and hard to explain in words but it is unique. We are doing great out here. The weather is starting to cool down and winter is coming. Sounds weird right? Yesterday it rained all day and we were walking and our motivation was the people need our message and our wives are getting hotter because of this haha. I'm having tons of fun. My last thought which I had this week is how good it feels to be good and how bad it feels to be bad. Pretty deep I know. I'm grateful for the changes mission and our Heavenly Father have brought in me. I hope never to go back. Stay awesome everyone and have a good week! Elder Hepworth
"Our Crazy Funny Pic....I am classic." |
"Granny Frida...The Awesome Gogo" |
Birthday Party for Investigator |
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