I'm sure all of you tend to think that my emails are really great but I think my greatest emails come from speaking how I feel. Sometimes my emails feel lame because I don't feel like speaking my feelings but today I'm going to speak my mind even though I'm not feeling cheery. Lately I've been feeling a lot of stress and fear about coming home and enduring to the end. Only return missionaries know what it feels like at this point. It's a strange feeling. Life is like a novel and as you read on you keep hitting new chapters but every time you do you find the next chapter blank and you can't help but wonder what's going to fill those pages. Life upon arriving home will be mine and I fear if I will make the right decisions and if I'm actually going to be the one making them. People say have faith, pray, and everything will be alright but it's never that easy. I love my Heavenly Father and all that he has blessed me with. My constant prayer is that he will continue to guide and bless me. I don't know what I would be without the gospel. It hasn't been the best two years but it has been the most important. Upon arriving home I hope that everyone will support me in my decisions and that my mission experiences continue to drive me. I thank you all for your support as I have served. I love you all and wish you all the best with where you are at in your life. As the apostle Paul said "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;" (2 Timothy
3:14). We have been having a good time here is Kagiso. Despite the challenges and opposition from the ward leaders we finally baptized a boy named Tsumi.

He is wonderful and wants to be a missionary one day. Ive had many wonderful and some crazy mission stories. I'm sure you will hear more about them soon. Enjoy your week.
Elder Hepworth