A record of Derick Hepworth's experiences in South Africa as he serves for 2 years. Elder Hepworth is from Pocatello, Idaho, and was called to Johannesburg, South Africa, English Speaking, as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Monday, February 8, 2016
02/08/2016 - ZONE MEETING
We had quite a busy week this week. We had two exchanges this week with our assistants to the president and one of our district leaders. Then we taught a powerful zone meeting. This week a missionary went home from our district and another from a different area so they closed the other kagiso area. So we are over all of it and two wards. We go to church from 9 a.m. til 4 p.m. and it's pretty exhausting. Also I got a cold this week and I was tired all the time and I'm trying to keep going even though I only have a month left ha ha. The work is going good though. We are going to be pretty busy with two wards to cover. It's a shame that many missionaries are going home these days. Mission isn't easy I can promise you that but it's been such a great life changing experience.
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